Who doesn’t like oranges? It is one of the most consumed fruit worldwide. It is mostly on all our shopping list of fruits and as one of the fruits that we always find in the fruit basket on our kitchen table or refrigerator. One of the ways we consume orange is as fresh orange juice as it is one of the most beneficial ways to consume them. Here’s one more reason to drink it frequently.

Research on the health benefit of orange juice suggests that drinking Flavonoid‑rich orange juice may increase the cognitive functions of the brain. After drinking flavonoid-rich orange juice, test subjects performed well on executive function and psychomotor speed and their alertness increased.
Another research finding from 2015 states that orange juice consumption was beneficial for cognitive function in healthy older adults to get the health benefit of orange juice. Hence it is recommended to consume oranges daily for elderly people. Consuming one orange per day provides enough Vitamin C for the day.
However, drinking and consuming healthy fruits is not enough for maintaining sound health. We should be mindful of the foods we consume and we should do regular exercise to keep body fit and having sound mental health.
So after all orange is not the new black !?